CIA Learning System
NEU! Version 7
The IIA's CIA Learning System is The Institute of Internal Auditor's own premier-quality CIA review course. It was designed by the experts to teach the entire 3-Part global Certified Internal Auditor exam syllabus to CIA candidates and internal auditors looking to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Parts 1 - 3 online (access lilmited to 24 months) + print:
für Mitglieder € 680,- netto zzgl. 10 % USt
Bestellung Learning System V7 Gesamtpaket:
Internal Audit Foundation
Assessing and Manging Strategic Risks
What, Why, How for Internal Auditors
by Richard J. Anderson and Mark L. Frigo
Today's dynamic risk environment has increased the need for internal auditors to help their businesses identify, address, and manage the strategic risks facing the business. Research on internal audit stakeholders conducted as part of The IIA's Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) 2015 study confirms that executive management and directors expect and value internal audit expanding its roles to include both providing assurance over the organization's strategic risks and assisting management to enhance their risk management processes over strategic risks.
While the book discusses key concepts and possible roles and activities for internal audit related to strategic risks, the primary focus of the book is on two key processes: the assessment of strategic risks and strategic risk management. It provides frameworks on strategy and strategic risks and a basic strategic risk assessment methodology. Also included are helpful tools such as strategy maps, risk heat maps, a strategic risk management diagnostic, and detailed process charts.
This book is designed to provide internal auditors with sound, pracitical advice that can better enable them to meet this critical challenge and add this dimension to their existing risk assessment processes.
Lagernd beim IIA Austria. Verkaufspreis € 75,- zzgl. 10% Ust und Versandkosten. Hardcover 150 Seiten, erschienen2017
Bestellungen an:
The IIA Research Foundation
Data Analytics
Elevating Internal Audit's Value
by W.W.Stippich Jr., B.J.Preber
Today's audit leader struggles with creating an integrated, efficient approach to data mining that maximizes the impact and value the audit department delivers. The objective of the project is to research and design a data analytics framework ranging across a wide spectrum of concepts (such as financial risk, compliance, and fraud) to help internal audit functions to broaden risk coverage and to enhance audit efficiency.
You will learn how to:
- Develop a data analytics framework and use it to accomplish multiple audit objectives.
- Enhance internal audit efficiency through the use of data mining and analytics. u Eliminate duplicated data mining and analysis efforts across audit and other functions.
- Determine the optimal effort needed to maximize the framework.
This partnership project between The IIA Research Foundation and Grant Thornton aided in conducting research, providing subject matter experts, and editorial resources to produce the report.
Lagernd beim IIA Austria. Verkaufspreis € 52,50 zzgl. 10% Ust und Versandkosten. Hardcover 92 Seiten, erschienen 2016
Bestellungen an:
Internal Audit Foundation
Data Analytics
A Road Map for Expanding Analytics Capabilities
by R.Cline, W.Melhuisch, M.Murphy
The recent evolution of data and analytics provides organizations with limitless opportunities to capture more value. Most organizations know they need to implement analytics in their operations, but many struggle with how best to do that. The material in this book will help managers and decision makers gain the nesessary perspective to develop a strategy or hone existing efforts - even as continued innovation and technological advances are creating new applications for technologies.
Readers will learn about:
- The keys to analytics success
- The changing data and analytics needs of companies
- A digital transformation to unlock analytics
- Defining, scoring, and determining priorities
- Detecting trends and patterns through blended data
- How to measure the value of analytics
- How to apply analytics to an enterprisewide risk assessment
The insights in this book offer readers specific actions they can pursue to position their organizations - and internal audit specifically - to unlock the full potential of data and analytics. It will be of interest to executive leaders, chief audit executives (CAEs), and internal auditors who want to make a case for investing in analytics.
Lagernd beim IIA Austria. Verkaufspreis € 52,50 zzgl. 10% Ust und Versandkosten. Hardcover 100 Seiten, erschienen 2018
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