Trusted Advisors
Key Attributes of Outstanding Internal Auditors
As internal auditors, trust is crucial to ultimate success. It’s important in gaining stakeholder’s confidence when offering advice on critical issues and effecting positive outcomes. In Trusted Advisors: Key Attributes of Outstanding Internal Auditors, Richard F. Chambers taps an array of leading internal auditors and, from their experiences, provides insights into the traits that characterize outstanding internal auditors, and those who have also truly earned a seat at the table.
Based on a global survey of nearly 300 chief audit executives (CAEs) and one-on-one interviews, Chambers details the personal, relational, and professional attributes of outstanding internal auditors, including:
- Ethical resiliency
- Results focus
- Intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness
- Dynamic communication and inspirational leadership
- Insightful relationships
- Critical-thinking skills, business acumen, and technical expertise
Whether you are just getting started as an internal auditor or you’re a seasoned veteran, the insights gleaned from the collective experience of these experts will help propel you to the next phase of your career.
- Verlag: Internal Audit Foundation
- Erschienen 2017
- Taschenbuch: 143 Seiten
- Sprache: English
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