Institut für Interne Revision ÖSTERREICH
  • Using Surveys in Internal Audits

    Using Surveys in Internal Audits

    Hernan Murdock; James Roth

    Internal auditors are increasingly using surveys to assess objective and subjective data, and to review intangible topics such as the ethical environment and entity-level controls, which require examining soft controls such as integrity, values, accountability, and competence. Arguably some of the most difficult to assess, soft controls are required under the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    The 2008 Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation Global Audit Information Network (GAIN) survey found that 47 percent of respondents used surveys as part of their internal audits within the past 24 months. This handbook will help those who are considering using surveys, those who may be asked to conduct surveys, or those who want to enhance their techniques.

    The chapters provide key concepts and useful tips on:

    • Designing and conducting surveys.
    • Advantages and disadvantages of different types of surveys.
    • Field testing.
    • Designing questions for better readability.
    • Avoiding getting false or biased responses.
    • Managing, analyzing, and reporting survey results.

    Using Surveys in Internal Audits describes the do s and don ts of using surveys, captures best practices from survey respondents, and discusses what mistakes to avoid. Narrative case studies from companies that use surveys are included at the end of each chapter and sample surveys are included as appendices.

    • Verlag: IIA Research Foundation
    • Erschienen 2009
    • Softcover: 190 Seiten
    • Sprache: English
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